In a world that never understands you...
"Hiddo's EPIC quest for –most– wings!
Yup. I've finally cracked, and my obsession with angel wings has taken over. I'm now questing most angel-wing type avatar items! heart I eagerly await the day that it is utter sacrilege if I am not wearing a set of my precious wings. twisted
(Ha, as if: )
Already owned:
Flight of the Macaw
Winter Dancer
Angelic Headband
The Nightmare
Death Whisper
Noel's Gift
Lumiere Noire
Compass of Seidh
TM (Time Piece) "
Yup. I've finally cracked, and my obsession with angel wings has taken over. I'm now questing most angel-wing type avatar items! heart I eagerly await the day that it is utter sacrilege if I am not wearing a set of my precious wings. twisted
(Ha, as if: )
Already owned:
Flight of the Macaw
Winter Dancer
Angelic Headband
The Nightmare
Death Whisper
Noel's Gift
Lumiere Noire
Compass of Seidh
TM (Time Piece) "
...the machines will always understand your pain.