I'm just posting my quest that I am really game on finishing.
And it's all because of Thursday the 24th of September...
I lost my Herme's Moon, Nano C and Inari's beads to a hacker...
My Herme's Moon was just given back to me, but Nano C was still in the Marketplace... Probably taken out now...
So those two are fine. =)
But I am really angry about my beloved Inari's Beads...
Inari's Beads... Should I say... Is very well gone...
I have had Inari's Beads ever since the day it came out!
Never sold it, Never gave it away, Never lost it.
Until that thursday.
My quest is to get my beloved Inari's Beads 1st Gen back to where we started.
This is the most expensive item that I ever had in my inventory.
So it could get quite difficult...
My progress:
4k / 400k
I would like to give a thanks with all of my heart to Haseo Yamato.
He is the reason why I have started this quest AND how I got my Herme's Moon back!
So a big thank you to him...
I'm not gonna namedrop the hacker. I know who it is.
But I don't want to get into trouble.
So thank you for drawing your attention here...
And thanks for actually READING all of this... -.-
And mostly, thanks to the people who can help...
Though that is no one... yet!
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