Hello all why notters! Here are the guidelines!
1. I will give you hints to what I look like
2. I will accept 20 TekTeks
3. Judging starts September 1st
4. Hints will be sold for 500 gold
5. The maximum price for the tektek is unlimited...
6. One person can have as many tries as wanted
7. First Come First Serve
8. Time limit for entry is August 31st at midnight
9. Any more questions pm me them...
Here are the hints:
A. I am a female
B. My hair is brunette
C. I usually wear my school uniform, gothic clothes, cosplay, or baggy clothes.
D. My skin is tanish/paleish...
E. I have a pet... not telling the species... will tell it is a mammal...
Any more hints you have to trade... have fun and such!
Why Not?
No rules, just Fun! Join today.
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