Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:33 am
i've hidden clues all over gaia. the person who finfds the very special image at the end will get 111k.
the first new person to each clue will get 2k - aka you cannot get this more than once
you must send me a screencap of each clue as you find it.
that's it
Your first clue:
heart I have an obsession with one of two famous twins. Exactly TWO people on Gaia have this celeb's full name listed as an interest. One of their profiles has a clue for you... find it.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:50 am
Majority of them will say clue on them...
all of them are in either threads or profiles.
the last "clue" is just an image... but you will know that's the end based on the previous clue.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:14 pm
I think I found the two people, but I can't find the clue.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 8:10 pm
all clues ae in my posts/comments
either on profiles or threads
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:47 am
One of them has set their profile to private, and the other one doesn't have any comments in her comments area. o_O I'm confused. @.@
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:47 pm
then you have the wrong twin... someone is already way into the hunt, they can verify the clues are real and exist... O__Lawlypop__O
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:01 pm
no one has found it yet,,,
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:37 am
treasure is still out there...
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:42 am
i have found ze first clue and sent ze a pm, now i am off to continue ze hunt