Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:56 pm
Lets talk about Ouija boards! Apparently they call on dark spirits, often very evil spirits. Hmm, spooky. I've never used one but by the sound of those things they are pretty Damn dangerous.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:57 pm
Everybody, put up your hands; holly says;; Hahaha... Ouija Boards... A well discussed subject. Let me just start off by saying if you do not have a trained psychic with you, or your board is not blessed, I STRONGLY disregard using one. Three of my friends and I just recently used one, and we each contacted a spirit supposedly. (Of course no one moved the pin themselves, we are all hardcore obsessive over this stuff). Without knowing so (we did it outside to prevent spirits from being called into houses), we did it not even 5 yards where a man/woman had died a few years back (We found this out later from a woman currently living in the house). Now, I am wondering if we did not contact any of the spirits we were aiming at contacting, but instead we all contacted this man/woman that had a heartattack while grilling on the porch we were near. Though we each tested our spirit to make sure it was the person and they passed, I'm sure the spirit was reading our minds and trying to pretend to be the deceased we were trying to contact. Why would he/she do this? I think they were trying to console us, and give us comfort. Therefore, I concluded, though this spirit had lied, they were doing so with good intention. ... I don't know why I shared that, the topic said discuss Ouija boards. whee
say I don‘t wanna be in love, I don‘t wanna be in love.
Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:47 am
The Ouija Board has been around for many years. Normally sold as a children's game, it is made by Parker Brothers and sold in almost every toy store across America. Although it is sold as a game it is best to used by someone who at least knows how to do some type of protection ritual first before attempting to use the Ouija Board. The reason for this is because you don't want some spirit good or bad to possibly enter your body or to keep hanging around you after you are done. A simple ritual to strengthen the Aura will be sufficient. You may want to do a banishing ritual afterwards to make sure that the spirit goes away. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram would be good for that. Once you have your board all you need then is some candles and maybe some incense and a quiet place to work. Now if you have all the above then let's get started.....
First you want to go to your quiet place, someplace in your house where you will not be disturbed. Turn off the lights and light the candles and incense. If you have 2 people it always seems to work better for some reason. Do your protection ritual whatever you choose as your own style of protection. If you do not know one then you can simply imagine your body surrounded by a sphere of bright white light. The color white is always used for protection and purity. Then when you are relaxed enough, each person place their fingertips on the edge of the disc. Be sure not to push down very hard at all or the disc will not slide around like it is supposed to. You may then ask if there is anyone present with you here in the room. Or are there any spirits here that wish to communicate at this time? You may want to ask this several times. It may take a little while before it will start to move. When it starts to move slowly towards the yes then you know you have made contact with some form of entity. It usually takes a few minutes or so to start getting any results if you do. Don't expect to get results every time, for you are not commanding these spirits, you are simply asking them if they want to talk. Once you have made contact, then ask the spirit what its name is. Then you may proceed to ask the spirit any questions you want. Things will usually start to speed up a little from that point on. Sometimes when a spirit is ready to leave, the disc will just go off the board. Write down your experiences every time you use the Ouija Board and keep them all in a little journal for future reference. Now the the most important part... Make sure you do some form of banishing ritual in order to make sure that the spirit has departed and is not still hanging around. The choice is yours and you don't have to do this banishing, but it is always better if you can. If the spirit stays and hangs around you it may very well try to influence you to its way of thinking and it may not be a good spirit. So just take precautions and your experiences should be quite enjoyable!
Sorry about the long reply.
Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:18 pm
haha Ouija ain't that just a fun game!?
no..seriously.. I loved it in Elementary school, and always used it with my friend Savannah, my little sister, and her little sister in my parents bedroom closet (it was the only place dark enough during the day) we called so many f'ing spirits I can't even count them all we used it alot basically
well, last year my friend Sarah wanted to use it, so I brought it over to her house for me, her, and our friends Brittany and Kimi to all use Kimi got pissed, walked off to do B mary in the bathroom, which got me scared because I didn't want her to get hurt then my mom came to pick me up and Sarah asked if she could keep it for the weekend and she'd give it back Monday at school I said sure, and went on my merry way
Sarahs mom, being the god freak she is, saw it after I left, called it satanic and evil and burnt it stare
And now, because I used it so many times when I was younger, all the spirits I called are chilling out at my house, getting a kick out of scaring me, my brother, and my little sister and on top of that Sarahs mom still owes me 20 bucks! =D stare
Yeah..not fun..
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:46 am
tsuki no kage uta haha Ouija ain't that just a fun game!?
no..seriously.. I loved it in Elementary school, and always used it with my friend Savannah, my little sister, and her little sister in my parents bedroom closet (it was the only place dark enough during the day) we called so many f'ing spirits I can't even count them all we used it alot basically
well, last year my friend Sarah wanted to use it, so I brought it over to her house for me, her, and our friends Brittany and Kimi to all use Kimi got pissed, walked off to do B mary in the bathroom, which got me scared because I didn't want her to get hurt then my mom came to pick me up and Sarah asked if she could keep it for the weekend and she'd give it back Monday at school I said sure, and went on my merry way
Sarahs mom, being the god freak she is, saw it after I left, called it satanic and evil and burnt it stare
And now, because I used it so many times when I was younger, all the spirits I called are chilling out at my house, getting a kick out of scaring me, my brother, and my little sister and on top of that Sarahs mom still owes me 20 bucks! =D stare
Yeah..not fun.. yes, but alot of pshyics and pagans use the borad for a different reason, and I happen to be a medium, and psyic. I would rather not prove that nore admit to it. I only have the knowledge that I have because I read .
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:52 pm
Selling Ouija Boards as a game? Now that's just stupid! Seriously, what happens if you call forth an EVIL spirit, what happens if it somehow influences you? BAD IDEA TO SELL TO CHILDREN. Juvenile? Not at all, calling spirits is fun!
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:00 pm
Whoa, I really need to disregard my last comment. That was... forever ago. I've made an ouija board out of a mirror and marker before. Certainly had some interesting results. We lit four candles and placed them at the directional corners of the mirror, too. Fun...
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:22 am
Let's see Ouija Boards
I don't know much about them since I don't use one, but I've heard of them. Rumor has it that Ouija Boards can be used for 1 thing and 1 thing only, and that's to contact spirits and they can either be good or evil but most of the time when a ouija board is used the user or users of a ouija board tend to reach an extreamely evil spirit. But, occasionally they tend to reach a good spirit. And sometimes if the house that the user or users of a ouija board is not haunted they can even sometimes open a portal to another world. But there is no way for them to know if it opens a portal to darkness or light and either way if a portal is opened it may lead to the house being haunted. There's no way to know for sure. At least that's what I think. So if you decide to use a ouija board be extremely careful when you do alright. But, be warned it can be extremely dangerous to use a ouija board so if I were you I wouldn't advise you to do so. But if you do, its at your own risk.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:33 am
To each their own....
I have used a Ouija Bourd on a few different ocasions through out my life. First, when I thougt it was just a game. Second time, it got rid of a friends head ache. The third time a demon came through the board znd the last time when Lucifer came through the board. I do not like Ouija Boards and I will never touch one ever again, but that is just me.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:14 pm
From what I've heard about them, they're really dangerous and shouldn't be used. Evil spirits take them as an invitation to enter a house.
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:00 pm
I used a oija board once and something very bad happened to me. In the process I woke up a spirit who had been trapped in my husband's necklace (he's a Wiccan high priest). She came out and attacked me sending pain into my spinal column and my head. Then she possessed one of my friends and they got into a shouting match with me. Also she almost physically attacked me if not for my husband's intervention.... VERY BAD. Now I know better. My husband let me do what I did to teach me something that's very important to be aware of. DO NOT mess with the board if you don't know what you're doing! It can be very VERY dangerous!
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:39 pm
I have the aura of a demon, blood red
Well now a days it a mix of total gray and red (Neutral and Evil) I wish to do something unheard of
Summon a spirit and use a binding spell to keep it in place or keep it in me and keep me restrained something to keep the spirit down
And i want to know exactly what happens after death...I wont tell...i just have curiousity.
And i believe if summoned by an Oiji board, it is evil to some degree. First Rule: Oiji is NOT A GAME Second Rule: there is no second rule, know what your doing and dont dive in head first
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:55 pm
i played with a ouiji once,but i'm pretty sure that one of my friends was manipulating it. anyway i have not since because i am afraid of the consquences of contacting a not so nice spirit. i have heard that they can be very dangerous. sad
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:37 pm
I played it when I was little...nothing really happened...