Do you think there will be more Eevee Evolutions?? |
Yes |
96% |
[ 26 ] |
No |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 27 |
B u t t e r f l y D r o p
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:50 pm
Not even the wind... There are a lot of Eevee Evolutions out in the Pokemon World. 7 to be exact(not including Eevee) Water: Vaperon Fire: Flareon Electric: Jolteon Psychic: Espeon Dark: Umbreon Ice: Glaceon Grass: Leafeon Normal: EeveeBut I was wondering, do you think there will be more Eevee evolutions.
Will Eevee evolve into a :
Normal Steel Ground Flying Poison Dragon Bug Fighting GhostType Pokemon? Or will there only be 6 different evolutions?If you think it will evolve into more, what do you think their names might be? ...wants me around.
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:15 pm
Hm, well, if Nintendo is blind to everybody calling out 'ENOUGH WITH THE EEVEES!' then I suppose that there will be more... Most likely, anyway.
Well, as for what type, I don't think that they'll evolve Eevee into a Normal type. Eevee is already a Normal type, so why would they make an evolution that's Normal?
As for Steel, well, perhaps something like Metaleon or Steeleon or something like that.
Ground... hm... perhaps Eartheon? I don't think that they'd do Dirteon... XP
Flying. That'd be pretty cool if there was an Eevee looking thing with wings 8D Perhaps a name for a Flying type Eevee evolution could be Featheon or something.
Poison... ehh. I've never been real big on Poison types. Toxeon maybe for a name.
Post or at least look at my thread please? It's in the PPP in the guild, just look for my name as the creator. The name of it is 'Idea for a New Game'.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:01 pm
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:53 pm
Eek! I hope there are more Eevee evolutions. <3 Eevee is such a precious Poke'mon! Luff Eevee!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:02 pm
oooh yayz eeve is one of the main reasons i love fire red and leaf green version, because u get eeve!! heart heart anyway i hope they do make more evolutions and if they dont ill have to slit theyre throats <.< >.> oops! was that outloud eek *backs away*
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:43 pm
Bug type Eevee evolution = Insecteon?
Poison type Eevee evolution = Injecteon? Venomeon?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:37 pm
indeed, there should be an evee evolution for every type
steel: irion (I-ree-on) bug:inscion (in-see-on)ground:ricrion( rick-ree-on) flying: skyrion (sky-ree-on) posion:vemiion (vem-ee-on)ghost: phantion (fan-tee-on) thats my geus any way
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:25 am
Hello, my name is Drateevee. IMO, they shouldn't abuse the Eeveelutions, but a few more might be nice.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:06 pm
Eevee is my favorite Pkmn! when they came out with espion and umbreon i was like "cool! now you can have a team with just eevee evolutions!" but then they made a grass and ice one and that threw the numbers off. so i guess them making an eevee into all the elements would make sense.
i look forward to seeing more evolutions! a lot of people are unhappy with how they keep discovering new pkmn but i think its fun. of course, it also means i dont know all the pkmn by name anymore...
i think ya'll forgot dragon.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:24 pm
If Eevee were to evolve into a Dragon type Pokemon, that'd be kick a**. xd
B u t t e r f l y D r o p
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:30 pm
I updated the list so now it has: Dragon,Ghost, Bug and Fighting.
But I was wondering(surprise, surprise)if Eevee might evolve into a two type pokemon (ie. Grass Poison, Flying Fire, Water Bug)
But then, if Japan did do a two-type Eevee evoloution...there would be more Eevees than maybe half the Pokedex!
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:07 pm
This is all assuming they have another generation. I think there might be, though. Of of the possible eeveelutions (my new word), I see ground, steel, and/or poison the most likely. Even so, I would love to see a ghost eeveelution. Scareon...that probably wouldn't be the name...
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:33 pm
I think there may be more Evvelutions if they make a few more generations of Pokemon. What with Eevee's never-dying popularity and all.
Buuut maybe not. After all, it'd make sense to stop the Pokemon here and just make better games. *shrug*
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:16 am
I would love for them to make more Eevee evolutions, Eevee is just so adorable, that, I can't get enough of its evolutions! 4laugh
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:42 am
*thinks of a normal Evvelution for competitive play*
Adaptability ftw!
(Call it Eeveeon for laziness)