For example, if I assume it has a Modest nature, is level 16, a Kadabra, and has a 31 Special Attack IV, I get 63 Special Attack. However, if I assume the nature is Adamant and it has a 0 Special Attack IV, I get a 47.
well, it's Quiet Nature + Highly Curious character trait, and as you said above when at level 16 as Kadabra it'd be 63 - it was so i evolved him in a trade and began leveling him unitl his special reached 100
- and at level 25 it's special attack is 103
so assuming my understnading is right from what you've told me i'd assume he's been maxed eh?
if so, wow, i maxed him before he evolved ocne - oh this rocks!
i have a Maxed Palkia(technically) and a Maxed Alakazam