I'm not so sure a Jolteon with Pin Missile would be... practical, even for in-game-only play. With a variant power between 28 and 70, Jolteon really can't hit with it at all. Add to the fact that it's using his really crappy stat and... well, Jolteon would be better off with a Power 70 Hidden Power Bug.
If you've got Pokemon Battle Revolution you could always get an Electivire that way. On the other hand, since I have games intended for resetting, I could just use one of them to get an Electivire and give that to you holding an Electrizer (in case you want to breed it and change its name.) Then again, the Electivire from Pokemon Battle Revolution is already really good on its own...
If you still really want a bug-type move for this electric team, here's a list of the electric-type pokemon that can learn a bug move (other than Hidden Power) and which moves they are:
/Users/ekraft/pokemon > pokesearch -i standard "type==electr" -c "bugs:bug_moves*moveset-{hidden power}" "size(bugs)>0" -d bugs
id | name | bugs
135 | Jolteon | pin missile
145 | Zapdos | u_turn
170 | Chinchou | signal beam
171 | Lanturn | signal beam
179 | Mareep | signal beam
180 | Flaaffy | signal beam
181 | Ampharos | signal beam
417 | Pachirisu | u_turn
493 | Arceus Electr | judgment+silver wind+x_scissor