Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:25 am
Okay guys/gals
in my first topic on tis subforum, i posted about a girl i like
now, to update y'all
Wednesday - jan30th 08,
i was at church and let this girl know exactly how i felt, she seemed to fully acknowledge it this time, she even had to get onto her cousins for "eavsdropping" as well as a couple of my pals who i didnt see cause they snuck up behind me
but what i am in need of ehlp with is a simple thing
Valentine's day is two thrusdays from now, and i'd like to get this girl something nice, but i have no idea waht to get her
i know she's fond of Unicorns, and soemwhat of small stuffed animal plushes(Pm me for what i mean)
so i was thinking about looking for a unicorn plush, but i wouldnt know where to find them
EDIT: found one, thnx to those who posted here
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:18 am
I'm sure toys r us will have a plushie unicorn. i saw it once.
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:17 am
Well, of course Toys-R-us do, it's just the nearest T-R-U store is 50 miles away
my mother would never allow that
the stores i know carry plushies in our twon are
Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and a couple of other family owned businesses
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:07 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:19 pm
actually Fashion, i have to go to one tomorrow for Karate lessons, the dojo is inside the mall i nour town
but we dont have any big stores there they're all just family-owned and my mom and i never go in most of them
but yeah we're close to one, it's just i dont know whats all in it
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:42 pm
maybe you could ask if they stock them at the stores? or you could always call toys-r-us and order it, i think they do that... sweatdrop
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:49 pm
yeah probably, but tehn you'd have to pick it up, and without seccured transportation, i cant get to TRU
but ya know, i can probably pull it off, but my plans almost always jinx if i sya them anywhere, so i'll have to wait and see
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:07 pm
walmart alwasys has little plushies as it gets closer to valentines day, if they dont have em out already. and i know for a fact taht walmart sells em cause i got one of my girlfriends a unicorn plush just last year. but if traveling is an issue, you can order it off the shops website, you would just have to do it soon so it could reach your hopuse intime for the holiday
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:45 pm
kay, walmart eh?
thnx Calm
i'll pay a visit to wal-mart after S-sunday, i' mtrowing a superbowl party Sunday and she may show up, and i wanna surprise her with it
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:59 am