Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:54 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent
Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.
Could You Be Violent?
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:54 pm
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your BodyYou're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:56 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be ViolentOverall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:19 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be ViolentOverall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:46 pm
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body
You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.
Could You Be Violent?
Only thing is I do bottle a lot up inside...
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:12 pm
it seems we're a pretty mild lot! There's a Chance You Could Be ViolentOverall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:37 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be ViolentOverall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:03 pm
***You Could Easily Become Violent*** You generally deal with problems and conflicts peacefully. However, your emotions are intense - and your temper is a bit out of control. You may want to work on some anger management... before your anger gets you in trouble. Could You Be Violent? http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolent
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:12 pm
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your BodyYou're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:15 am
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your BodyYou're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/No one who knows me would expect this. That quiz is way wrong twisted
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:38 am
There's a Chance You Could Be ViolentOverall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoubeviolentquiz/
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:27 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:36 am
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body
You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:49 pm
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.