Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:00 pm
Read this thread yet about the new market place and the tax? thread
They claim "selling to the stores is the only way gold gets out of the economy." Lies! D< BUYING from the stores gets gold out of the system, not selling to the stores. talk2hand Their real idea I think is to discourage selling in the market place so instead people try to sell in the exchange forum again where things are much harder to find. Because store items are now much more difficult to attain from other users, more people will get impatient and just buy store items at full price from the store. This may keep inflation of non-store items down because there is less gold floating around in the system, but that means we now have less gold (and each gold piece is worth more than before) to use to pay more for store items than we probably would have had to before. And now you'll have more store items being generated at a faster rate. This increased rate of existing supply increase compared to the rate of increase of people available to want to buy them means even those who do try to sell these store items to other people still will have a harder time finding people who actually want to buy that particular item. You'll probably mostly get offers from people out to just buy whatever they can for as cheap as they can, thus it is harder for the seller to sell and at a price in a time they'd like. It is harder for the people looking to buy and the people looking to sell. Think of how much harder those Sparta items in prize and joy will be to get now! tokens are a store item mostly at a cost of 1g=1 token aside from the little piddly bits you get from daily chance. Prize and joy items can only be gotten from the store with tickets or from other users. Tickets go from around 2-3g each in value. Gold supply has decreased. Number of required tickets has not. At a minimum, even if you got at all times 1g=1 token and token always got you 1 ticket, that means the price looks like it has stayed the same for items when in fact the value and difficulty to obtain some already hard to obtain items has in fact gone up.
Now, as I am not an economics PhD myself like the developer claims to be and I quickly got lost in that thread (I was largely struck by many statements as if they were non-sequitar, like the conclusions he drew did not follow from the information he'd just given) if anybody can explain to me how I am incorrect I'd be glad to hear it, but for now, I'm suspicious of the claims Gaia is making. It seems more like they just want inflation down for the sake of inflation being down because the site looks better if their currency is worth more.
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:02 pm
im first i hope yay im first
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:08 pm
Yes, you're first. Now care to post something on topic?