• I glance at the clock, standing outside in the warm sunlight
    Today’s sun is almost as bright as you are, shiny boy.
    Heart pounding, waiting for you to arrive
    I wonder, do you know just how much I've anticipated this moment?
    The answer is no-- you have no idea.
    I see you walking towards me, and the pang in my heart grows ever stronger.
    I hope I don't burst and tell you today.

    You've arrived.
    This day feels perfect, every moment just right
    My heart soars like the kites flying above us in the spring breeze
    You understand me and I understand you.
    “Why aren’t you eating?”
    “I'm kind of stressed...”
    You couldn't know about my feelings; I’d never dropped you any hints.
    Caught like a child with her hand in the cookie jar, I turn my face away sheepishly.
    I pray that you don’t see my blush
    It’s not the time to tell you the truth yet.

    A month has passed, the time has come—
    It’s the evening before you move back to the other side of the world.
    We sit on the rooftop garden so you can enjoy the night view
    On the other hand, I see nothing but you.

    We’d always been close, though unable to spend much time together
    You call me “one of your favorite people here in Hong Kong”.
    I feel the same way about you, but I don’t say— not yet.

    Let’s enjoy this last conversation, enjoy our time as friends
    Before I tell you and our carefree dynamic ends—
    You stand up to walk me home.
    “Wait! I… need to tell you something.”

    I tell you all the reasons I admire you— you’ve told me in the past that I inspire you too.
    Your passion, your positivity, your constant efforts to improve on your weaknesses
    The way you make me feel brighter every time I talk to you.
    “I’ve… been crushing on you.”
    “How about now?”
    “Yes… Now as well.”

    The constant smile on your face is gone, and you look serious for once.
    It dawns on you that this was what I’d been nervous about.
    You wish I’d told you earlier, so you could react. “I would’ve dated you.”
    Your words simultaneously make me happy and tear me apart in a way I’d never expected.
    I’m too late.
    You’re about to move and start a new chapter of life. This will be a chapter without me in it.
    I tell you not to worry about your future. “You’re gonna be just fine.” I believe in you more than anyone else.
    Moved, you give me a hug. We’ve finally broken the touch barrier I’d so carefully kept between us.

    You tell me you don’t believe this will be the last time we meet.
    I hope that the next time we do, I will no longer have feelings for you.

    Take care, Mike.
    I truly did like you.