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    Are you watching me like i'm watching you?
    I keep thinking about you
    You visit my dreams and yet i do not see
    How far apart we actually have become to be
    I want to walk away and turn around
    Not seeing your face anymore just the ground
    You made me feel scared like i've never been before
    But it's oke because it woke me up from my deepest sore
    A wound that was hidden away so deep
    You tore it open again for me to see
    Thankful i am for this opportunity you have given me
    Because now i understand that all i did was not give a damn

    I hid away behind my mask , my “false self” i created so wonderfully
    The mask has dropped and there it was , my darkness , my sickness
    It looked at me grinning , laughing , vomitting all over me
    Horrified , petrified , excruciating pain was all i felt for weeks
    I hid knives under my pillow and under my bed so scared of myself
    Paranoia , exreme fear , the feeling of being hunted down , used and abused like before
    Childhood memories i had forgotten long ago now dripped all over me
    Like a shadow clinging on to myself , choking me

    I had to face them , and break thru it all
    Sure it wasn't pretty but i raged and i just couldn't stop anymore
    It felt liberating finally saying what i really thought for all these years
    Crying and crying , almost dying

    Yet it was excatly that what set me free
    I walked around in darkness for all these years
    And now i can finally turn away and say thank you
    There was more to me then i ever could of dreamed
    I can now finally feel and see my own power
    My fire burning inside of me