• Against the current i go.
    my boat has sunk
    a leak sprung at 12 and now its 6,
    drifting out to sea the waves take me
    looking at the blue mixed with reds,purples and pinks
    the seawater fills my nostrils, my soak torso more sore
    than what i care to remember.
    my legs gave away a while ago along with my arms.
    nothing here to grab on to, as i float away.
    hoping then ill get to my destination.
    red evening , bloods been spill

    cloudy dawn, a sad day approaches.
    my corpse is found along the beach, its beaten by the sea and warm with the
    heat of the sun, its wrapped me in seaweed as a gift of return
    the sea sign says "here, have it back, ive collected enough, not one
    more i need of this kind"
    i am found by strangers and they carry me home.
    no more fighting with the current, no more drifting out to sea
    no more dreaming of the ocean, no more of anything anymore.