• My song springs from my heart and my heart beats out of control.
    I am the product of an infinite number of factors inconceivable and unknown.
    Here...here in this realm, we are the love and we are light.
    Our thoughts become our dwelling and we cower in the night.

    Darkness can be overcome with sincerity and through our will.
    Surviving is not living if we deny we live in fear:
    Fear of happiness, of freedom, of each other, and our might.
    But it is loving, it is breathing, and it is living that are our rights.

    I have the right to love. I have the right to breath. I have the right to grow.
    And I'll be damned
    If I allow my fear to keep me away from all of the wonders I could know.

    You have the right to love. You have the right to BE. You have the right to soar above this.
    And NO ONE
    Can keep you from attaining the happiness you are owed.

    But we have to take the time to believe, and to breathe, and to understand.
    We have to make the change within our souls.

    We share the sun and stars, this universe is ours, and we're destroying it all....

    We cannot create love, we cannot build a future out of war.

    What good can come of death?
    What trust can grow from greed?
    What seeds can we sow in pillaged earth?
    What more excuses do we need?

    When there are so much far worse of than we,
    When ignorance is glorified as normalcy,
    When we cannot be bothered with compassion or sympathy,
    It then that we are lost.

    We are all recycled stardust, recycled matter, and we are whole.
    Somehow we still don't seem to know...