• The night giveth way to the new dawn.
    While the crow sings of the day and morrow.
    Upon her void shaded wings and fervor,
    she relates the tales of man's toil and sorrow.

    Each day at the dusk of summer's warmth,
    the night doth seize the land with her shade.
    And all the while the mystic maiden caresses me with dreams.
    The worries of the day seem to drift and fade.

    Some do slumber and phase into sleeping horrors,
    and others do fall into dreams of bliss.
    But outside, the world is bustling with unseen life,
    as the mystic maiden graces the land with an embrace and kiss.

    The moon's radiant rays guide our souls abroad,
    upon the vessel with which we cross to our Neverlands.
    And our lonely souls remain ever protected,
    by the mystic maidens soft and loving hands.

    While we are away and cradled,
    nestled comfortably in our own little world,
    MIdnight strikes across the scape,
    as creatures scurry and flowers become curled.

    The far away mountains then exhale,
    giving way to the gentle rolling breeze.
    The leaves upon high reaches rustle,
    whispering their songs as they please.

    Thus begins the symphony,
    which marks the sacred witching hour.
    Only peace is shared between all,
    as the gods watch from their moonlit tower.

    Now it shines so bright,
    the darkness falling from the skies.
    Casting along the grass it's dew,
    which appears as a million shining eyes.

    Now as the earth gazes back at the heavens,
    with glimmers brighter than the stars,
    the world is cast in the deepest of blue,
    as the humans prepare to start their cars.

    The sun is now peeking it's giant golden eye,
    chasing the moon with the song of the dawns.
    Young dreamers wipe sand from their faces,
    and welcome morning with their groans and yawns.

    Although we slumber while this beauty unravels,
    the earth does not forget the mystic maiden.
    For once the sun begets it's settling again,
    we shall know once more of the dreamer's haven.

    Bringer of the dew, blankets of blue, mystic maiden, the night's veil and haven, sweetest sights and and glimmering lights, Our lunar blessing, the mythic midnight.

    Sela' Cavre - 2012