• Dear Guardian, this piece is for you,
    So i hope you hear me clearly,
    That is, without crystal

    There once was a time,
    Backing up here's the rhyme,
    I know it aint chill from my heart to thine,

    Most people don't rap biblicly
    but honestly it sickens me
    when people like he take advantage of thee

    Here is, what i really want to say,
    Here is, just go the ******** away!
    Here is, you trying to trick me Which (Witch)
    Here is, me stomping your face b***h!!!

    How dare you call anyone family!
    When all you do is steal and ban from me!
    What i deserve! My right, not yours!
    I wish the best for you behind locked windows and barred doors!

    So here's the reason i spit from all the damage you give me, KIDS!
    Bring it on, invite your friends and mom!
    Oops, i forgot, you treat them like me,
    So now they're dead, or gone!

    Ladies and gentlemen i apologize
    for the take-down
    and breakdown
    of everything you made of this clown

    But im still ******** sick of this!
    Bout to take a piss,
    on anyone who in this next part
    Shuts Their ******** Eyelids!

    Im so sick of boys who can't,
    MAN UP!
    When some thing goes wrong, and they dont
    Their guns in the air
    And say who cares!
    We're doing good,
    And who's still there?

    I pitty the man who;
    can't crawl on stage
    To say who he is!
    What he believes!
    Or the names of his kids!

    Oh that b***h mocked me!
    let me guess
    "I can't believe he did this!"

    My only two children
    are 'Faithfull' and 'Ligit'
    The one who hits back!
    For the one who gets hit!!
    (Shout-out to my street kids that i left on Olymipis, my heart goes out to you little guys. Always more power to you, every ounce i got. And you better ******** know it.)

    My Street kids are bad a**!
    Graduated Last,
    but best...
    Top class.

    So here's a little hint from me,
    what this freestyle is meant to be,
    is just a speech about integrity.
    So if you want to be family
    with the name 'Good Company!'
    Then just be true to who you're supposed to be.
    Which was originally what you wanted to be.

    When i was a kid i wanted to be a teacher
    but my obsessive mom wanted a preacher.
    My dad's never happy less he's with her,
    so here's my word,
    and i became a rapper,
    My mom, please someone slap her,
    I can hear her laughter,
    From wickin spells cast after
    I left a certain place.
    scream crying Never to see my BABY! crying scream
    Nor baby mama's face!

    So here i sit and swallow my fate...
    Least i do it like a man,
    And take my plate,
    And do everything i can,
    To follow a ******** plan
    that comes from thin air.
    And i honestly don't care
    If you bash on a god
    that i ******** know is there!!!

    So here are a few lines,
    due to the dedication of this rhyme.

    Dude, you know who you are...
    What you did, left a scar.
    So if you see me, run.
    Cause if i see you jump...
    ILL GUN!!

    Ill see to it personally
    that every ounce inside of me
    Brings what you did or done to justice
    No weapons,
    No Tools,
    (Not counting you)

    No more rhymes?
    You spat in my face,
    You ******** disgrace!
    You lied, then atempted to break my nose
    Just so you could shoot black
    Do rows,
    And ******** some NASTY a** hos.

    And now you try to run around acting like a bad a**?
    Dude! Your'e weed, tastes like burnt grass,
    and your skin looks like it needs a sand blast!!

    I laugh when you think you can jump people for black!
    Cause when i see it, you'll have a mirror, FLASHBACK!
    Not just for me, but for them, and family's back.
    And when your a** is behind bars, AGAIN!



    Good Company,

    Zach Portch (Monk)-ie