• A black cloud roams to unveil the red moon
    The pattern of footprints in the snow...
    To Where?

    Step by step, I wonder... what did my dreams ever teach me?
    I place my next foot forward
    The snow fills the prints our feet leave behind
    No one will notice I was here

    -the moon's deathly gaze under the stars seems to be judgmental
    if this were a still portrait then maybe life would have more meaning-

    I find solace in understanding
    If I can be with the stars,
    maybe you'll find meaning
    The note I leave behind can never replace my voice
    My broken thoughts will flutter away with the snow...
    Never to be remembered

    -the moon's deathly gaze under the stars seems to be judgmental
    if this were a still portrait then maybe life would have more meaning-

    I place my next foot forward
    Approaching the lifeless tree before me
    It seems clear-
    The noose has been tied

    I find solace in understanding
    If I can be with the stars,
    Maybe I'll find meaning-
    ...never to be remembered

    I sway beneath the stars
    The judgmental moon
    My broken thought flutters away
    -You will never understand. . . . .