• What i feel cant be real
    its all just too shitty.
    when i think of my life
    i think of it as dull and whitty.
    i may feel like quitting
    when the going gets rough
    but i think to my self
    i must stay tough.
    things may change me
    whatever those things may be.
    i have a life to live
    even if its crazy.
    i do what i have to.
    i deal with s**t like you do
    you must take things how they are
    must not let your mind wander to far
    there is always change in future
    you just have to see the bigger picture.
    that things DO get better
    you can NEVER say never.
    so dont give up.
    Dont get ********
    you can make what you have so much more.
    you can be that broken bird who learned how to soar.