• Oh mother, oh mother the city is fair
    My lovely, my love of curled orange hair

    She's gone now, she's left
    Where I cannot go

    They came for our city
    And brought tides of woe

    My lovely, my love
    They've taken away

    To battle I cry,
    In battle I'll die

    Oh mother, oh mother just know if I could
    I'd bring down these tyrants to the man in black hood

    They've taken our lives
    And they've taken our land

    To be sure, to be sure
    Their fate's close at hand

    My brothers, my kin
    We'll be free again

    Their heads, they will roll
    Roll through the fields

    Unattended by those
    Who are Brought back on shields

    Oh mother, oh mother you'll go on alone
    In glory, in glory, in glory is our home