• Once upon a time, looking at the midnight moon,
    I cast my gaze to a nearby tree.
    Its branches many, and its leaves glowing bright,
    It enchanted me like golden fruit.
    Guarded by a dragon of thick vines and sharp thorns,
    Surrounded by eternal fire,
    It shone with a brilliance rivaling the stars,
    Which seemed pale compared to such beauty.

    As it filled the darkness with its phosphorescence,
    I continued to admire it,
    To take in the splendor which it radiated,
    And to enjoy its stunning image.
    It lit up the world around it, giving it life
    And a purpose for existing there.
    It was like a beacon, showing lost souls the way.
    Sadly, I am not one of those few.

    I am one, who must observe it from far away,
    Never experiencing its warmth.
    I stand here alone, waiting in a field of blood,
    Waiting in this land of my own,
    For one day when I can truly fulfill my wish,
    But, for now, I continue my work.
    I will continue to descend from this dark world,
    And take those I bring back to that tree,
    Where I hope, one day, I, too, can feel its warm light.