• Never ending was the darkness. It presses in on the senses, blinding, crushing…suffocating. It is a black hole that few return from. Nothing exists here, save for the worst of human emotions. Terror, pain, rage, and sorrow pull at the soul, fraying its edges, tarnishing a once pure thing. Disembodied voices call out from the darkness, taunting and belittling with every word. They feed on suffering and anguish, reveling in the agony of a broken spirit. Hollow eyes stare out unto a vast emptiness, eyes that once held a spark of life, of hope, of chance. A long since broken heart continues to beat, the sounds echoing out into the nothingness. Weak…that’s what the voices say. Insignificant and meaningless…these words etch themselves across the remnants of a tattered soul. Used and thrown aside, beaten and broken with nothing left to defend with. Hopelessness fills a now empty vessel, all other things having been driven away long ago. Death becomes a sought after embrace, the only way out of a seemingly never ending spiral of blackness and despair. Reduced to a shell of a once wondrous soul, smiling out of habit and necessity, what is left is heavily guarded. It lies hidden beneath layers of fear and uncertainty, a hardened shield stronger than anything in this world. A wounded heart, pushing away anyone who comes too close, not knowing how to trust anymore, clings to the smallest of hopes. A wish that not all is lost to the darkness, that there is a light burning off in the distance. So here’s to hoping for someone to help push back the void. For now, the most precious parts that make someone unforgettable remain buried down deep…

