• 'Mummy , please dont , mummy please!',
    She grabs her teddy , and gives him a squeeze,
    shes only five and full of buises,
    she tries to fight but always looses,

    her mum swings her fist and hits her chest,
    her mum thinks she always knows best,
    'but mummy , my teacher has seen all my cuts',
    her mother goes berserk ,absolutely nuts,

    'you've done what! shown her your arms'?!,
    'no mummy , i was reaching up for the toy farm,
    my sleeves went up and my bruises were shown,
    but i said i fell of my bycycle , when i cycled alone',

    'your'e so naughty!' mummy said,
    mummy pulled her off her tiny bed,
    the little girl who was only 5,
    got thrown in the cellar left half alive,

    her mother was nuts , as her husband died ,
    she was left as a widowed bride,
    there was only one way to let her anger out,
    at her little girl, she would scream and shout,

    her baby girl was left in the cellar,
    while her mother found another fella,
    she was in there days upon days,
    her mothers memory of her daughter was a haze,

    one day her mothers aunty came around ,
    the one with the lovey hair , of the colour brown,
    she asked ' wheres your lovely little baby'?,
    her mother said, around the park maybe,

    whilst the little girls mother made her sister a tea,
    the mothers sister looked around , and got on one knee,
    she looked under the cellar door,
    all she could see was someone tiny led on the floor,

    she opened the door and ran in ,
    'baby girl are you ok ?!'she stoked her tiny cold chin,
    the little girl was only five,
    and she was no longer alive,

    the little girl had gone to be a angel,
    she looked down at her mother,
    'i loved you so much mummy , but you hated me ,
    my mummy , you'll never again get to be,

    now you have no one to bully , or push around,
    as you left me dieing on the ground ,
    i'll never get to play ever again ,
    go to school , or see my bestest friend,

    You hurt me , bullied me and took away my life,
    you cut me open with the kitchen knife,
    now im an angel up in the sky,
    but why mummy? why oh why oh why?!