• I have nothing left of me
    I gave them everything I had.
    Yet I only had myself to depend on,
    Through both the good and bad.

    All too quickly I realized
    That I just had to learn
    That sometimes you give everything
    And get nothing in return.

    I always tried my hardest
    To help them in so many ways
    I always made sure to smile for them
    Even on my darkest days.

    I let them pour their hearts out
    Gave them a shoulder on which to cry
    And then out of nowhere they vanished
    Leaving me to wonder why

    Why did I open my heart so freely?
    Was I simply just too kind?
    Or was I taken advantage of,
    Too vulnerable and blind?

    I wish I could tell everyone
    Who's ever had a friend
    That you should hold your friendships close,
    For you never know when they'll end

    For over time, people drift
    They grow apart and fade away
    And your differences become apparent
    You're suddenly night and day.

    I always said it'd never happen,
    I never thought this could be.
    I wish I could tell everyone "Expect the unexpected
    And don't end up like me."

    Even the brightest sun will one day set,
    And even the best of friendships may end,
    What am I left with when I'm alone in the dark,
    What is a person without a friend?