• The Eradication of Me

    We sit in a fictitious paradise, the waters blue the wine is red but I’m often sitting next to you trying to find a home inside your head. I often take the form of a fool so I can somehow entertain you. And when we sit together in our fictitious paradise the wine is red, the water’s blue.

    If I tell you I love you, draw my smile on with a cyanide red crayon and use arsenic to iron it on, will you remember to say you love me back; will you crack a smile or two? Or you can just keep pretending; the wine is red, the water blue.

    No one really knows when we sit in our perfect world that you sit far away from me and I’m slumped against the side of the house trying to hope tomorrow you won’t hate me. as I man I’m too afraid to admit when I’m sitting there I fight the urge to shed tears and I force myself and force myself to just be glad that you are here.

    But I don’t make you happy, and I don’t do anything right, is it masochistic for me to rather we scream, yell, and fight? Because I truly can’t stand the silence, I’d rather you just say outright that you no longer love me, but you just say;
    I’m going…

    We sit in a grey apartment, our hearts heavy, our words are lead. And I’m still trying to find somewhere warm inside your heart or your head. I just need somewhere to lie down before I crack open from the grief, but I find myself still alone in the paradise my limp body crashing against the reef. No one really knows when we sit in our perfect world that you sit far away from me and I’m broken, oh shattered so entirely. But not even you dear notice when I throw myself into the sea, you don’t even notice there’s no one left but you as long as the water’s now red and the wine is always blue.

    M.saw© 2011