• When I said I loved you from the first time
    I knew I had to make you mine
    Now that you are
    I will do anything to show you I care
    My love for you is 10x stronger then it is for anyone
    You are my shining star, my only one
    I fell hard for you
    I know that everything I feel is true
    I fall harder every second of the day
    No matter what our families say
    They say our love won't last
    That it will become part of the past
    But I know our love is forever
    Our love is the most amazing thing ever
    Late night calls, inside jokes, crazy conversations
    There will defiantly be no complications
    Out of everyone I have dated I hope it is you that will forever stay true
    My hopes for us is clearer then the ocean blue
    You have my heart and I have yours
    I promise I will never break it or open up its sores
    You are the light inside of my heart
    The only thing that keeps me from falling apart
    I love you more then anything in this world
    I can say this without forcing my words
    I will not be like the others
    I will not leave you or make you recreate your hearts borders
    I will break them down you will never frown with me here
    I want the world to hear
    that I'm in love with the most amazing girl ever
    And that is Brittany Corienne Crissinger