Day after day I face the same problems. The same challenges. The same problems. The same life. Why do we face the same challenges? Because nothing ever changes. Nothinng ever means anything to anyone. No matter what we do in our lives, we always face the same challenges. How can we do anything to change the problems?
We cant. We never could. Not at the rate we are going. We have to wake up and realise that not all of us are who we want to be and the only thing holding us back is ourselves. We set limits for ourselves. We put ourselves back and we cant gert past the idea that we cant get past ourselves.
We CAN be better. We CAN better ourselves if we just apply all thats neccesary. We need to wake up and realize that all of us are great people in some way. Whether youre not old enough or too old, all of us make a difference. We just have to realize that everyone is capable of something. Wake up and realize that.
- by BlessedPurgatoryAngel |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 07/24/2011 |
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- Title: We Are All People
- Artist: BlessedPurgatoryAngel
- Description: For a very good friend of mine and all who care to read it.
- Date: 07/24/2011
- Tags: people
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