• My Little Green-Eyed Monster

    Dialect broad
    Expansion deep
    Queer as the foe
    That never sleeps

    Behind closed curtains
    We hide amongst lies,
    but once showtime begins
    Our green-eyes incline

    Shaken and awakened
    From eternal slumber
    Its prisoned shackles
    Beat us and outnumbered

    The strength, once possessed
    By a few emotional ties
    Were severed and broken
    Amid the humanity that died

    Through many faces constructed
    We try our best to survive
    But the green seeps through
    Attacking those that thrive

    On odd emotions
    Secondary to first
    Brought by insecurity and fear
    and quenched by thirst

    Placed here and there
    It fights with a drive
    But once put in its place
    You'd never know it were alive.