• I.
    I'm not good with words.
    I never have been.
    But it didn't matter then,
    Because he did all the talking.

    I will color your worlds with my words.
    And scatter my secrets in the stars.
    She wrote it on a slip of paper and slid it into my English binder.Sometimes I think of how differently things would have ended up if I'd never opened up that delicately folded note.But I did.
    Three mistakes:
    Believing her
    Trusting myself
    Punishing the child
    Oh,and letting her take me home.
    Well the backseat of a 1980 Nissan Skyline.Classy I know.
    I prepared to tell her. I practiced my monologue in the mirror more times than I can remember. I'd decided to go with an independent factual approach, but as I practiced my routine my efforts deteriorated. By the time I reached her door, I was struggling against tears.
    One Knock.
    Her brother answers. He looks nervous and ashamed.
    I don't even need to hear him speak to know what he's going to say.
    The clock. I remember the clock.
    There were 15 nervous mothers I could have observed, but all I remember is the clock.
    Oh , and a pack of opened condoms at the dinner table.
    But I was not in the mood for irony.
    The baby would have my eyes, I think.
    Maybe my nose.

    I think I would have named her Scarlet...