• I swear I’m aged beyond my years,
    Stressful gray hairs are soon to grow.
    I’m only seventeen but it’s all a dream—
    I want to wake up, I want to lie down.
    I want to die so I can live,
    Live a life that isn’t death.
    Haven’t you seen me—who I am?
    Haven’t you seen me—who am I?

    Haven’t you seen the bruises around my eyes,
    Bloodshot from lack of sleep?
    Haven’t you seen the way I cry
    As I cry myself to sleep,
    Only to wake up thirsty—
    Thirsting for love?
    Haven’t you seen me—who I am?
    Haven’t you seen me—who am I?

    Abandoned by friends, but it gets worse.
    Shot down by strangers I hold close to heart.
    Friends become aliens; aliens become friends.
    I want to scream and cry and hide all at once,
    I want to shout out and I want to die.
    But the worst part is—no one knows—
    I will abandon the few who are loyal.

    I’m so stressed out,
    Stressed from family, stressed from school,
    Stressed from money and unemployment,
    Stressed from friends who want to help,
    But don’t know how to help themselves.
    Stressed from all this, but all from myself.
    Haven’t you seen me—who I am?
    Has anyone seen me—who am I?

    Abandoned by friends, but it gets worse.
    Shot down by strangers I hold close to heart.
    Friends become aliens; aliens become friends.
    I want to scream and cry and hide all at once,
    I want to shout out and I want to die.
    But the worst part is—no one knows—
    I will abandon the few who are loyal.

    Everyone leaves, it’s always true.
    But those who don’t hurt me will themselves be hurt.
    I try to lesson the pain by stopping before it begins,
    But when they’re gone all I want is to have them back.
    Worst part is they never know why,
    Why I did what I did,
    Why I want to kill myself!

    You think you know me—NO YOU DON’T!
    You listened to me, but never my PAIN!
    You think you know my secrets—IT’S ALL A LIE!
    You think you know who I am—
    You think you can solve the mystery—
    But nobody knows the truth I know—
    Nobody knows me—who I am.
    Nobody’s seen me—WHO AM I!?!

    I swear I’m aged beyond my years,
    Stressful gray hairs are soon to grow.
    Haven’t you seen the bruises around my eyes,
    Bloodshot from lack of sleep?
    Abandoned by friends, but it gets worse.
    Shot down by strangers I hold close to heart.
    I’m so stressed out,
    Stressed from family, stressed from school,
    Abandoned by friends, but it gets worse.
    Everyone leaves, it’s always true.
    You think you know me—who I am?
    You’ve never seen me—who am I?