• I stood there waiting, arms around my waist
    I felt colder and colder, more out of place
    I'm waiting and wishing for your arrival
    I'm hoping and dreaming of Summer's revival
    Fighting the cold with my wilting rose
    That's like our love; It falls and goes
    Taken away with the wind of change
    Stuck in the inevitable estrange
    That comes with hoping for the best
    I hold our withered rose against my chest
    Silently praying, I sing for you:
    Let's let our love start anew
    Let it grow with the kiss of Spring
    And all the joy it's life will bring
    Let us throw away our binding chains
    And think with a fresh mind; Only gains
    No losses, just you and I; Together
    No sorrow, just you and I; Forever
    I end the bittersweet song with regret
    Because I'm determined to never forget
    The sweet thorns of the blackened flower
    As I wait by my porch; Hour after hour
    You never came to say goodbye
    Leaving me with a tear-stained eye
    Wondering what I had done to sadden you so
    But still wishing I never had to see you go
    I'm fighting the cold with my wilting rose
    That's like my love; It comes and goes
    You're taken away with the wind of change
    You've become stuck in the inevitable estrange
    Leaving me to drown in my sweet sorrow
    Wishing I had the heart to follow
    But this rose and I wait for your promise of return
    Day after day, my shoulders fallen with concern
    So now I sit here; Hand glued to the phone
    I'm waiting for your call; So please come home