• I'm racing around the world again,
    I've been this way before.
    Been here looking for you,
    Stuck here forever more.

    My bike's falling apart,
    The engine's almost dead.
    Lights fly by me left and right,
    My eyes focused dead ahead.

    I chase the sunset around the world,
    So I always see it's beauty.
    It's the only thing keeping me going.
    Until it's you I see.

    Until I find you,
    or you find me.
    Until I run out of gas,
    Then I'll run to thee.

    I'll run 'till my shoes wear down,
    I'll run 'till my feet bleed.
    My wants are not important,
    But it is you that I need.

    I have no picture to go by,
    no identification to help me,
    Just wide open road ahead,
    And the knowledge that you'll make me free.