• Death flies on swift wings
    That statement will always be true
    For those who have never seen true rage
    I honestly hope that they never have to.
    “Death flies on swift wings.”
    That quote is usually followed by charm;
    A laughing matter to those who laugh
    At the thought of losing an arm.
    Death flies on swift wings
    To men who incur a woman’s wrath.
    Trying to avoid getting cut or stabbed?
    Saying nothing ya shouldn’t is the path.
    Death flies on swift wings
    To fools who force a guy to fight.
    The “mutt” ya kicked and teased?
    Watch out for an angry dog’s bite.
    Death flies on swift wings
    To those who like playing with fire.
    It’s enjoyable until ya get burned…
    Know how many scars you’ll acquire?
    Death flies on swift wings
    To those who live for the sake of hope.
    What is faith, but a dream upon dreams?
    Know what happens if ya die? Nope.
    Death flies on swift wings
    To those who make waves in the seas.
    Clearly they’ve never met a tidal wave
    That can swallow their ship with ease.
    Death flies on swift wings
    To those who suffer the company of fools.
    “If they can’t rise up, then you’ll fall down.”
    Isn’t that one of Life’s common sense rules?!
    Death flies on swift wings
    To those who push away their loved one.
    How do you know when you’re doing it?
    You don’t, until it’s already been done.
    What doesn't kill ya, strengthens ya.
    At least, I used to believe such things.
    I’m unable to live, and unable to die
    Because Death flies on swift wings.

    ---Berabus the Great, Spring 2011