• Players ready, here we go!
    Blue versus Red
    Let's start the show
    The triggers are pulled
    The darts a flurry
    Who will get the higher score?
    Balloons are popping,
    Rings are tossed,
    Plates are smashed
    These carnival games
    Who will get the higher score?
    Through twists and turns the two compete,
    A friendly battle, a test of feat
    And when the rounds have come to end,
    Who received the higher score?
    Anticipation is with us now
    Was Blue victorious?
    Please tell us now
    Or was it Red who came ahead
    Who received the higher score?
    The tally's up, with cheers and groans
    A victor now is mentioned
    And now we know
    Who won the show
    We know why your our captain
    And now it is so plain to see
    That Blue did make it happen.