• The Cure

    The tree branches are low
    Covered with white cotton candy
    Was walking this road all alone.... Solo
    Until I met this girl named Sandy

    I walked up to her and said hi
    She put her hand on my shoulder
    Looked me in the eye 
    And started to cry

    Her tears hit the icy road
    Formed a puddle 
    I Said how could this happen?
    Instead, I found that the puddle was really on MY pillow

    I lay in bed still
    Shaken silently
    All around I hear, I hear this sound
    How could the silence be so loud

    Wait! No, what's that
    There's something else, a voice
    It says don't worry, it's ok
    You know I'm here for you always.

    Now I know why
    These tears hit my pillow
    Its you, your voice I hear 
    I listen to your voice and wipe the tears from my eyes
    You are the cure... I wonder if you really know why.