• Heart shatters,
    Sounds like glass,
    I fall again,
    She turns away,
    What have we become,
    Where have you gone,
    Why do i hurt.

    This solidity,
    The burning tears,
    Do you love,
    Like i suffer,
    Once together,
    Now apart,
    Will it return.

    Silence screams,
    Pain sooths,
    Words escape,
    Feelings retreat,
    Is it possible,
    That you are gone,
    From me for good.

    I look now,
    To these faces,
    At my hands,
    In your eyes,
    I love you,
    I hope you stay,
    And not leave again.

    Return one day,
    To my arms,
    Mend my heart,
    Seal my soul,
    Live eternaly,
    In my life,
    Just please.

    Return to me....