• Snow
    A winter white wonderland
    Each snowflake unique
    In their own little ways
    Falling to the ground lightly
    Just a puff a frozen water
    To catch against your tongue
    Something cold,
    And clean.

    A single sign of cold
    Shows that Jack Frost is here
    Bringing frost bite,
    Children crying out in a joyful wail.
    The Christmas music playing,
    Decorated trees sitting in the windows.
    Icicles hang off roof tops,
    As they begin to melt,
    In the sun's gaze.

    Snow means cold
    In many peoples eyes
    But also a sign of numbness
    And sorrow.
    It brings back the forgoten memories.
    Hidden in the frozen snow.
    The frost bitten pain, and the cold memories.
    All come back at once,
    When the snow finally melts.