• Here we are just you and me
    The revolver in your hand
    you hold it close to my head
    (i don't care about your true meaning)
    lets play a game of fate (of chance)
    if you want to screw around with my life, then i'm going to toy with yours
    drop the 5 bullets and leave the sixth lets spin the chamber of fate
    just you and me thats how it should be
    don't hesitate to pull the trigger hesitation means death
    fate is cruel and karmas a b***h (is that why where here?)
    the revolver point at me but sight points to you ( theres no escaping this judgment)
    pull the trigger you hold life in your hands
    yeah karmas real and its a judger (is that why where here?)
    well that just how life is, lets play god, see the luck of the draw and toy with death

    1. fate is on my side
    2. it looks like your still in the fight
    3. i must have been an angel in my past life
    4.maybe luck is on your side
    5. i live to see another sunrise
    6. you just bit the bullet

    didn't i tell you that hesitation means death?

    1. fate is on my side
    2. it looks like your still in the fight
    3. i must have been an angel in my past life
    4.maybe luck is on your side
    5. i live to see another sunrise
    6. you just bit the bullet