• Today was totally not my day
    I almost fell out of the subway
    I went to school
    I fell asleep and wiped my drool
    Then yet again I got an F
    From my teacher that I thought was deaf
    Then I bumped into the boy i liked
    The boy with a motorcycle bike
    I ran away
    What a day!
    Then I walked home all alone
    Ready to massage my aching bones
    Then out of the blue my backpack opened and fell
    This was really a day from hell
    Then I saw a gentle hand
    "Here, take this." was his command
    I looked up towards the face
    What a scene was taken place
    It was the boy with the motorcycle bike
    to be honest his real name was mike
    He helped me stand
    I put my fingers in his warm hand
    He walked me home
    His true kindness was easily shown
    Maybe today wasn't so bad after all heart