• Here's to the hope to have drank the last bit of poison in the water
    It’s colorless presents made it oh so easy to drink
    I taste nothing, I feel nothing
    I just stand waiting for it to….
    The room is spinning…I feel the my chest tighten
    Who is squeezing at my heart
    Lights flickering….
    Slowly losing conscious
    I see the light…
    And now I die.
    What’s that?
    Birds chirping sweet songs of April
    Cool breeze flowing from some window
    Ah this must be heaven
    So calm so peaceful .
    An angel walks in clad in white with a clipboard
    “How was your trip?”
    Spoken from such sweet lips
    “Oh, it was lovely. Something in the water led me up here.”
    She smiled blinding me with her radiance and handed me a cup
    “Time for your meds”
    Puzzled I took the cup. Never would I think I would need meds in this utopia
    Throwing it back, my head feels fuzzy
    “What did you do?” horror rang through my voice
    “Im sending you back it’s just not your time”
    “Don’ tworryI’llbeback” my words slurred together
    With a sigh she nodded
    I’ll be back I’ll just die tomorrow… They always forget,
    There is something in the water