• I watched her drift by,
    Misery wrapped in veils of beauty.
    The tendrils of blood,
    Seeping down her withering heart.

    I'd hold her...
    But in my hands she crumbles to dust.
    I'd sing to her...
    But the echoes of mournful cries,
    Will block out all of her ties.

    The princess is locked away,
    In her tower fanasty.
    O great damsel in distress,
    Won't you fall down before me?

    Outside the tower I slept,
    The screams her of nightmares,
    Crawl into mine.

    I'd hold her...
    But in my hands she crumbles to dust
    I'd sing to her...
    But the echos of mournful cries,
    Will block out all of her ties.

    Oh, how I would place in your hands the world,
    If I still had anything left to give.
    I'd bow down and hand you my heart,
    If it was still in it's place.

    Great princess that shines in black,
    Never do I wish hear another lament,
    Of a love addiction gone wrong.

    I wish you let me slay...
    All the lovers that wronged you...
    Every single, prince charming--casanova...
    That held your hand at the ball...

    But alas my friend,
    I am not your savior...
    I wish for you,
    A happy ever after.