• I wanted to be the hunter
    and that was made so

    I looked for the perfect hunt
    and that was made so

    I tryed to make you the hunter
    but that was not made so

    You were the prey that didn't get away
    even though you were the strongest

    Never did I relize how much you ment
    but who were you?

    What it the feeling I got? Amnisa? I don't know you.
    Guess that dosn't matter because you were almost gone

    It seems the only thing I was sure about was that I loved you.

    I grabbed you and...and you were cold.
    Cold. Like death was upon you.

    Seeing the life leaving your beautiful face
    My hands full of your contents

    I held you close and whispered sadly in your ear
    "Please live my dearest dear."

    Then your body went limp... As did my soul