• *piano intro*

    The hours go on...

    And I still remain... here...

    As the minutes...

    As the seconds pass...

    Old memories of days that went by too fast...

    Resurface... all at once...

    It almost...

    too much...

    My heart can't take much more...

    1 and a half years...

    And my heart is still torn apart...

    The day you died...

    Everything froze in one place...

    The bed is gone...

    the rooms the way it was before the days before your final ones...

    The family... that is... still here...

    Only seems to make me feel worse...

    This is all... too much... for my heart and soul to take...

    Its all spilling out...

    Through my eyes...

    I just can't stop these tears I cry...

    I'm holding back all the sobs...

    But the longer I stay here...

    The more my inner strength fades away...

    You told me... to be strong...

    But how can I do that when you're gone...?

    I wanted you...

    To see me get a diploma...

    I wanted you...

    To read the things I've writen...

    I wanted you...

    To see the things I've drawn...

    I wanted you...

    To see me in a prom dress...

    I wanted you...

    To maybe someday see me walk down the aile...

    ...But now...

    I couldn't even say goodbye...!

    *music interlude*

    I've changed so much...

    But maybe for the worse...

    I wanted you to see it...

    But know this...

    It's not your fault...

    I'm this way because I chose to be...

    But know this...

    I will never let go of what I learned from you...

    But know this...

    I will forever love you...

    And you'll always be...

    My Poppy...

    ..Aaaaa~aaaaa~aaaah... Aaaaah...

    *piano until the end*

    (Dedicated to Rodman F. Garrity 1922-2009. May he now rest in peace because he's released from his pain and suffering.)