• This isn't fair.
    None of it!
    All the pieces are in place.
    All the cards are in order.
    Wait a second.
    You're chained.
    Chained to a fake b*****d.
    How do you sleep at night knowing this?
    How do you sleep knowing this is all wrong?
    Last night i had a dream.
    No lie on this.
    All true.
    You sent me a message in german saying.
    "I'll never come back to you"
    And then you laughed?
    More and more.
    This trick of the mind.
    Phases itself into reality.
    You still "love" me.
    I still "love" you.
    But...you bare a shackel around your ankel.
    You're bound to him.
    You can break this bond anytime.
    You scream for peace.
    You scream for normality.
    All that needs to be done first.
    Is to sever the shackel.
    Then this oppression will be done with.