• A darkened mist has fallen
    Round shoulders turned to sadness
    A layer worn against the world
    It hides the creeping madness
    Grasping smoke-like tendrils
    Of inspiration once so clear
    Ideas become elusive
    Amid the heartbreak and the fear
    A screaming void of silence
    Has replaced what once was song
    Prose struggles on in chaos
    Brought close as nights grow long
    The heart remembers brightly
    What despair has washed out pale
    Dullness invades the senses
    Leaving meaningless words to fail
    Crumbling walls rebuild themselves
    On foundations buried deep
    Weary of the endless fight
    For love just out of reach
    The chase will be forsaken
    And regret denied its part
    While a thought wanders alone and lost
    Dead to the poet's heart