• Look at the dolly with porcelain skin
    with a hollow expression and plaster-faced grin
    Her silky smooth hair, all draped in her face,
    leaving her gaze to seem rather misplaced

    Though her elegant clothing is frilly and sweet
    i can feel a stronge malice, though its discreet
    Sometimes I wonder whats going on in her mind
    Of what dark secrets I would find

    But, I can dress or undress her, put a bow in her hair
    Its the same to the dolly; she just doesnt care
    Because, any feeling a doll could feel
    would most certainly never be real

    Just a fantasy, in the mind of a child
    Short lived, simple, and playfully wild.
    Alas, in the end its all the same
    Til someone makes her feel again

    Glassy eyes stare blindly, all the while
    She hides behind her painted on smile.