• My eyes are sore from crying
    and I don't want to give up trying
    My heart is split in two
    From all the pain you put me through
    and I just can't see why you would do this to me
    You knew it would hurt, why cant you see?
    That what you did was very heartbreaking
    Every time I think, I cant stop shaking
    My head is throbbing and in circles just thinking about it
    I'm just so tired of the drama and all this s**t
    I can't forget
    I don't think I'll ever be happy again
    because the person I'm talking about was my best friend
    She went behind my back without thinking how i would feel
    and made my heart so ******** up, it will never heal
    said she wanted to date my ex boyfriend
    I knew that wasn't ok and I wouldn't like the end
    I told her that I didn't like the idea and it would hurt me
    but she did it anyways and disagreed
    Sometimes I just wish life was over and I wouldn't have to deal with it
    because what just happened to me I know i wont forget
    and it makes me sad that I don't think she'll ever see
    that what she did really hurt me
    and she'll never realize what she did was wrong in every way
    She never gave me a chance to let me say what I needed to say
    Now I'm in a dark little corner all alone
    She's what brought me up to my comfort zone
    I know for a fact that this whole thing was wrong
    but I just cant accept the fact that she's really gone
    Did she really use me like everyone else?
    Or did she really love me for myself?
    I've always needed a person to turn to
    because I need the support to get me through
    and I don't have that and never will anymore
    and this problem keeps chewing me down to the core
    I just cant handle this guilt and pain
    Its driving me madly insane
    I feel sick to my stomach and disturbed in my head
    over some big hurtful words my used to be best friend had said
    and I don't think I could ever get over it
    because I know it didn't hurt me just a little bit
    I want to go sleep and never wake
    I wouldn't care if my life was at stake
    I lost someone very important to me
    She was a best friend, my family
    So i dedicate this poem to my was best friend
    and I hope she knows I will always love her till the end