• The crows jagged dissonant cry rips through the gentle melody of the song birds
    I'm jerked to waking by it's violent unspecified contumacious protests
    And misery sets in
    This cruel avian will not relent
    It's voice deprives me of sleep
    Of sane thought
    I can understand why lore depicts the crow as an evil animal
    An omen of dischord
    And it is
    Dischord within my very soul
    The crow's harsh cry unearths all the doubt I bury underneath my masks
    Doubting if I'll be able to go without lashing out in violence for another second
    Doubting whether or not anything I'm doing is worthwhile
    Always the doubt
    It's worse than anything else
    People with faith sicken me
    They have something I can never have
    Some kind of profound understanding of the world
    But all of their "profound understandings" are total bullshit
    And they know it
    I would rather be miserable, than delusional
    And the crow is a part of that reality
    As is its banshee shreik of disdain
    Which mirrors my own
    For the whole world
    For the entire human race
    The entire human species
    And every other one
    But especially
    The crow