• These feelings once felt
    not so long ago
    returning with vengeance
    Pushing the pieces of a shattered heart
    Back where they belong
    But these words dare not escape my lips
    Not just yet. . .

    There is no certain time
    to express these words
    the feeling balling up inside me
    each day we speak
    your lips draw mine close
    your touch makes warmth fill my cheeks
    I know these feelings to be genuine

    So what if I told you?
    These special words that can break a spirit
    These three special words that can Shatter a soul
    Yet these words can bring back to life
    The heart of the broken that lay unbeating for so long

    So what if I told you?
    these words that must be said
    What would you do?
    Would you lie to bring a heart together
    or break it with the truth

    What if I told you?
    What if you felt the same?
    And What if I told you
    That I loved you
    And what if I really meant these words
    would you shrug me off like I am nothing?
    Or would you tell me . . .
    That you love me too