• I don't know if you're okay.
    I can't wait to hear you say
    That I can rest my anxious mind;
    Slip into reprieve I've been trying to find.

    I know the distance is fairly small,
    But I can't hardly bear it all.
    Every day I feel further away.
    I wish there were another way.

    Some way to always keep in touch.
    I know I can't be asking much.
    I simply wish to hear your voice.
    I know there is no other choice.

    I must abide until the day comes
    When we can scavenge the tiny crumbs
    And fortify the love that's been growing.
    Set the fire ablaze and get our blood flowing;

    Carrying the passion I know we could hold.
    If both of us can remain so bold
    We can carry on in these harsh days
    When all hope just fades away.

    Maybe this is me being pessimistic.
    Maybe life is playing a painful trick.
    Either way I know things have to look brighter.
    When it comes to love I'm a relentless fighter

    Struggling tooth and nail for what I seek,
    Even when the future looks so bleak.
    It's how I survive in this harsh life,
    How I defend myself from the constant strife.